
DIY 電子電路技術相關討論專區。

版主: Jeff, Korping_Chang

文章Huangs 發表於 週三 8月 17, 2005 7:55 pm

9999 寫:斷別人的財路應該是不會啦,反正在RoHS生效前,發燒迷都會搶貨的,
裡面放鈷還是鈾都會照搶.... :D :D

只是...我很好奇,為何這魯鼻孔都不把這BG系列的電容Datasheet放在官網? 甚至連個介紹都沒有....故意搞神秘? :ale:

因為 Rubycon 只是代工而已,Black Gate 並不是他們自己的系列產品。
Black Gate 有自己的官方網站 http://www.blackgate.jp,不過也沒有你所要的 datasheet,的確是有一點故意搞神秘。
文章: 121
註冊時間: 週六 12月 30, 2000 11:05 am
來自: Taipei

文章9999 發表於 週五 8月 19, 2005 1:42 pm


不過可惜小弟看不太懂他的結構 :mad:

文章: 5
註冊時間: 週一 1月 24, 2005 12:54 pm

文章Huangs 發表於 週五 8月 19, 2005 6:30 pm

9999 寫:感謝大大的情報

不過可惜小弟看不太懂他的結構 :mad:


而 Black Gate 是用電子(electron)的移動來充放電,所以可以改善傳統電解電容的問題。

另外,Black Gate 的確握有多項專利,
文章: 121
註冊時間: 週六 12月 30, 2000 11:05 am
來自: Taipei

文章Coffin 發表於 週五 8月 19, 2005 8:52 pm

Update (July 20th 2005):

pcX was just informed from B-G's Japanese export agent (and from sources within Rubycon) that negotiations to extend Rubycon's "subcontract" production of B-G, have failed. Thus, final factory orders will be accepted until Friday August 5th....that's it !
pcX has already been accumulating substantial stocks, to ensure sales of the most popular values, for years to come....and we will make one more "last buy", to top up these, and a few more values too (factory deliveries of which, will continue into the late fall, we suspect - due to standard lead times).

Well, that is that....B-G caps will fade into the audiophile sunset this fall....and it is an absolute travesty....music lovers, both in the DIY and FINISHED AUDIO PRODUCTS market, will feel this loss where it hurts the most....their ears !

Update (June 2005):

pcX was just informed from B-G's Japanese export agent that RUBYCON has "changed it's corporate mind" on continuing as the B-G subcontractor for JELMAX...once again throwing into jeopardy the on-going production of B-G caps - beyond August 2005.

As a result of this surprising turn of events, Jelmax is apparently attempting to re-negotiate the production extension yet again....if unsuccessful, we have been told that factory production shipments will cease within the next 2 months.

However, we've got our fingers crossed that they are indeed, successful....and B-G will continue for years to come. We will keep all pcX customers appraised of these important events, as we receive news.

Update (April 2005):

pcX was just informed that JELMAX had successfully negotiated the on-going production of it's B-G caps, with it's sole and current sub-contractor - RUBYCON.

Update (January 2005):

pcX, along with all world-wide distributors and OEM users of Black Gate electrolytic capacitors, were informed this last Spring that Rubycon (the sub-contract manufacturer) has apparently decided that they will no longer produce the Black Gate range of capacitors for Jelmax Corporation in Japan (B-G's designer/patent holder). Both Jelmax, and their export agent, have confirmed that if this does come to pass, it will spell the end of Black Gate production by mid-2005 (although distributor/OEM orders are required to be placed by no later than the end of 2004). For whatever unspecified reason, finding another sub-contractor is not an option for Jelmax, apparently.

pcX recommends that those who read this, and who have (or will have) projects that require Black Gate capacitors, buy what you need now - don't wait !

There are no equivalent quality replacements for any of the Black Gate types - period !

Given this fact, pcX is endeavoring to stock up B-G inventories as best we can (as much as we can afford) for the period after mid-2005 (the expected end of production deliveries)....but we can make no guarantees as to how long these stocks will last beyond this date.

To quote Peter Qvortrup of famed Audio-Note UK:

"As a leading manufacturer of the highest quality of audio equipment for home and professional use, we have used Black Gate capacitors in our equipment since 1986 and know from long and extensive experience that the Black Gate capacitors have no equals and the loss of these capacitors from the available "catalogue" of specialist audio parts will result in a significant reduction in the sound quality which is achievable across a wide price range of electronics due to the unique qualities of the Black Gate technology."

He goes on to say " In my 25 years' involvement in the design and manufacturing of quality audio equipment, the imminent disappearance of these electrolytics is the single greatest blow to audio quality in my view and if they are not reinstated it will be a sad day indeed for the quality of music reproduction."

pcX 是公正消息靈通從B G 的日本出口代理(和從來源在Rubycon 之內) 那交涉擴大Rubycon 的"B-G 的分包契約" 生產, 失敗了。因而, 最後的生產通知單將被接受直到星期五5 日... 8月.that's 它! pcX 已經積累堅固股票, 保證銷售最普遍重視, 為了幾年來....and 我們將做一更"前購買", 完成這些, 和幾更多價值太(工廠交付, 將繼續入晚秋天, 我們懷疑- 由於標準前置時間) 。

很好, 那是....B-G 蓋帽將褪色入這秋天....and 這是absolute travesty....music 戀人的audiophile 日落, 在DIY 並且完成的音像產品市場, 將感覺它傷害多數....their 耳朵的這損失!

更新(2005 6月):

pcX 是公正消息靈通從RUBYCON 有"改變它是公司頭腦" 在繼續作為B-G 轉承包商為JELMAX... 再次投擲入危害B-G 持續的生產加蓋的B G 的日本出口代理- 在2005 年之外8月。

由於這個驚奇事情的轉向, Jelmax 明顯地試圖重新協商生產引伸再....if 不成功, 我們被告訴工廠生產發貨將停止在下2 個月內。

但是, 我們有我們的但願, 他們的確是, 成功的....and B-G 將繼續幾年來來。我們將保持所有pcX 顧客被估價這些重要事件, 如同我們收到消息。

更新(2005 4月):

JELMAX 成功地談判了持續的生產它是B-G 蓋帽, 與它是單一和當前的轉承包商- RUBYCON 的pcX 是公正消息靈通。

更新(2005 1月):

pcX, 與所有全世界經銷商和黑門電解電容器的OEM 用戶一起, 被通知了最後春天, Rubycon (轉包製造商) 明顯地決定了他們不再將導致電容器的黑門範圍為Jelmax Corporation 在日本(B G 的designer/patent 囤戶) 。兩Jelmax, 和他們的出口代理, 證實如果這來通過, 它拼寫黑門生產的結尾將由中間2005 (雖然distributor/OEM 訂單必需由沒有更晚發出比後期的2004) 。為任何非特指的原因, 發現其它轉承包商不是一個選擇為Jelmax, 明顯地。

pcX 推薦, 那些讀這, 並且有(或將有) 項目要求黑門電容器, 買什麼您現在需要- 不等待!

沒有等效質量替換為任何黑門類型- 期間!

給這個事實, pcX 竭力庫存B-G 存貨當最好我們罐頭(儘量我們能買得起) 為期間在中間2005 之後(生產deliveries) 的期望的末端....but 我們不能做保證至於多久這些股票將持續在這個日期之外。

引述彼得•Qvortrup 著名的音像筆記英國:

"作為音響器材的最高的質量的一位主導的製造商至於家和專業使用, 我們使用了黑門電容器在我們的設備自1986 年以來和從長和廣泛的經驗知道, 黑門電容器沒有均等並且這些電容器損失從可利用的" 編目"專家音像零件導致對是可達成的橫跨電子的寬價格範圍由於黑門技術的獨特的質量的品質優良的重大減少。"

他說"在我的25 年的介入在質量音響器材設計和製造業, 臨近失蹤這些electrolytics 是唯一最偉大的吹動對音像質量在我的意圖並且如果他們不被復原這的確將是一哀傷的天為音樂再生產的質量。"
文章: 220
註冊時間: 週一 12月 31, 2001 11:26 am
來自: 11樓垃圾堆

文章foo 發表於 週六 8月 20, 2005 12:01 am

好kuso的翻譯 :mad:
文章: 2
註冊時間: 週日 12月 29, 2002 8:20 pm
來自: 台北

文章davidshan 發表於 週四 9月 15, 2005 1:44 am


文章: 99
註冊時間: 週四 11月 11, 2004 7:44 pm

文章9999 發表於 週六 9月 17, 2005 7:37 pm

davidshan 寫:http://www.blackgate.jp/english.htm


10Ghz :mad: 這比陶瓷NPO還高..... 太Kuso了吧

文章: 5
註冊時間: 週一 1月 24, 2005 12:54 pm


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