我也不懂 亂翻了一下google 還是看不懂
亂猜的 可能的是open loop gain
β, Beta, or feedback attenuation factor in an op amp circuit
What is β, Beta, or feedback attenuation factor in an op amp circuit?
β is the ratio of the feedback signal to the output signal.
In a simple Inverting Amplifier configuration, ? is
β = Rin / (Rin + Rf)
Therefore, in a Unity Gain Inverter, β = 1/2. This would also
be true for a Gain of Two Non-inverting configuration.
See also: What is Loop Gain in an op amp circuit?
這顆OP 是當DC servo 用的
下面有特別提示說別用Bjt Input 的OP 不然可能無法拉回中點
WARNING: Do not use BJT input opamps as they will not satisfactorily zero the offset.
一般常見的fet input OP 大概有opa2132 opa2134 opa2604 tl072 tl082
這部分抓datasheet 來看就會寫在裡面